Friday, April 30, 2010

Cutler & Gross erupts into store

Sorry for the wait…. but what with volcanos erupting and every specky in the world apparently wanting it, our new order of Cutler & Gross has taken a long time but it’s finally here today! Two very British chaps Mr Cutler and Mr Gross have been into frames for over 40 years now and have stayed true to their brand of chunky, masculine frames that look as good on women as they do on men.  These frames are impeccably manufactured and finished.  Very 60’s Britain……classy…….sassy.  But it doesn’t matter what we say or think because they are adored by MHPE clients.  By the time this appears on our website, we should have rung all of you who have reserved a frame.  For those of you who want to check it out, it might pay to “rattle your dags”.  Who knows what “Acts of God” we’ll  be up against with our next C & G order.